Dr. Anthony Fauci is used to having his words into things he never really said.

"Always, always it'll get taken out of context and misconstrued," the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said. "I've gotten used to living with that."

The issue came up when he told Jennifer Garner that he takes two supplements: Vitamin D and Vitamin C.

"If people want to take a gram or so of Vitamin C, that would be fine," he said.

The internet started touting his words as evidence that he knows something we don't.

"I had made it very clear when people asked about what vitamins I take, and I tried to explain," Fauci said.

Fauci will still say the best ways to control the pandemic are the measures he's been recommending endlessly for months: good hand hygiene, mask-wearing, and social distancing.

For some people, adding a little extra Vitamin D might make absolute sense.

"Sometimes when people don't get out in the sun a lot, they're deficient in vitamin D, so my Vitamin D level was generally low, so I started taking Vitamin D supplements, and now my Vitamin D level is normal."

We know from scientific studies that being deficient in Vitamin D can put you at greater risk of infection, and that finding has held true again during the coronavirus pandemic.

"There is good evidence that if you have a low Vitamin D level, that you have more of a propensity to get infected when there are infections around," Fauci said.

In addition to reducing inflammation in the body, Vitamin D also helps our bodies absorb calcium, which keeps bones healthy and strong.

Vitamin C, like vitamin D, is another powerful nutrient. It helps our bodies absorb iron.

"If you really want to keep your immune system working optimally, there are things that you do that are everyday things," Fauci said.

Fauci's Top 3 Immunity Tips:

1. "Get a reasonable amount of sleep."

For most of us, that's seven to eight hours of pillow time a night.

2. "Get a good diet."

All those vitamin-rich fruits and veggies mentioned above will help. Generally, leaning into a Mediterranean-style diet, rich in vegetables, olive oil, whole grains, fish, and some fruit, is a great place to start.

3. "Try to avoid or alleviate severe stress, which we know can sometimes impact the immune system."

Some of the best ways to counter stress include getting regular exercise, meditating, practicing deep breathing, and listening to music.

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